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Map of Karelia in Russia

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Map of Karelia
Map of Karelia Map of Karelia Map of Karelia

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Map of Karelia.
The map scale is 1:8.6 km (1:860 000).
Full list of settlements of Karelia — cities, towns, villages.
Road scheme of Karelia, you must specify the roads — Federal, local, rural and forest roads Karelia.
Hydrography — rivers, lakes.
Table the distance from Petrozavodsk to regional centers of Karelia.
For ease of reference, marked on the map all main attractions are the white sea petroglyphs, the waterfall, White Bridges, Mazes, Solovki, Kizhi, national Park Vodlozersky, Valaam, Marcial waters, the Kivach waterfall, the national Park paanajärvi, a sanctuary of ancient Sami, the mountain Vottovaara is the highest peak, mazes and more.
Maps of Petrozavodsk, scale 1:10 000.
A complete list of streets, houses of Petrozavodsk.
The socio—cultural values of Petrozavodsk.
A list of hotels in Republic of Karelia, information services of the city of Petrozavodsk, cafes and restaurants of Petrozavodsk, museums, tourist information centers, national parks, museums, nature reserves.
To buy the map of Karelia and Petrozavodsk with the attractions You can in the online store of the Art Atlas or order a card by phone.

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